zurueck News  / Breast Module


Breast cancer is by far the most common cancer in women in Germany. In order to detect breast cancer, several imaging examination procedures such as mammography, breast ultrasonography and breast MRI are used. The new mamma module of RadioReport® takes the images of all modalities into account in the reporting process.


The highlight: The breast module has special localizers that visualize conspicuous areas and lesions in the image. This further facilitates the diagnosis and minimizes the risk of overlooking something.

Clinical colleagues providing further treatment can record the findings more quickly and clearly.

The breast module contains all nationally and internationally important guidelines, including the BI-RADS (Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System) nomenclature. By integrating these guidelines, even radiologists with less experience in breast diagnostics or colleagues in further training can easily maintain generally valid standards in breast reporting. The breast module automatically categorizes differential diagnoses according to “frequent” and “rare” and offers less experienced radiologists an important orientation aid.

An optional functionality in the mamma module automatically translates the findings into a form that is patient-friendly.