Guided Reporting –
Rethinking structured Reporting

Key to the development of Guided Reporting is the idea of digitally mapping the thinking of experienced radiologists. The resulting software provides a structured framework that helps guide users through the analysis process, offering flexibility while ensuring key considerations are addressed.


Definitely, the growing number of scans and increasing complexity of cases is a real challenge for radiologists.

A Message from Jan Wintzer, Co-founder


The Weaknesses Of Current Reporting

While so-called free-text dictation may appear fast, studies show that an MRI report takes, an average of 17.4 minutes to complete1. Over the years, the time to perform a scan has become much shorter than the time required to complete the report.

And the time problem is compounded by a quality problem. Studies have shown high inter-radiologist variation for the same image datasets.2

In addition, referring physicians complain that the traditional reports created by dictation are not always satisfactory.3 The lack of standardization means that efficient data collection and analysis is not possible.

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Guided Reporting – streamlined support

Guided Reporting functions as a virtual assistant, helping radiologists navigate a smooth workflow through a well-structured framework toward the final report. Key information, intuitive selection tools, and essential fields support the radiologist throughout the process. The end result is a comprehensive, structured, and standardized report presented in concise language – generated and ready with just one click.

  1. Cowan, I.A., MacDonald, S.L. and Floyd, R.A. (2013), Measuring radiologist reporting times. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology, 57: 558-566. doi:10.1111/1754-9485.12092
  2. Herzog R et al. Variability in diagnostic error rates of 10 MRI centers performing lumbar spine MRI on the same patient within a 3-week period. Spine J 2017;17:554-561
  3. Sahni VA  et al. Impact of a Structured Report Template on the Quality of MRI Reports for Rectal Cancer Staging. AJR 2015;205:584–588.

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RadioReport® Automatic AI revolutionizes reporting

We have mapped the thought processes of experienced radiologists into RadioReport® Automatic AI. Starting with anatomy instead of pathology, the software guides you like a virtual interview to the final report.


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